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Meet Shari

My Education, Training & associations


LDN - Licensed Dietician Nutritionist  (MD DX5545)

CNS - Certified Nutrition Specialist®, (CNS 18312) credentialed by the American Nutrition Association® through its Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists™  What is a CNS?


MS Human Nutrition University of Bridgeport

BA New York University 

AA Le Cordon Bleu CSCA 

ANA Member - American Nutrition Association

EDRDPro Member - Eating Disorder RD & Professionals 

My Story - The 5Ds 

DIETS, Divorce, Death, Depression

and Discovery


Growing up, I struggled with food.  I was an adolescent in a larger body, and experimented with various eating disorders,.  From that point onwards I became a disordered eater and avid dieter through much of my adulthood.  Like many, I suffered many negative health consequences. 


I am also a parent and sister to family members who are coping with or have coped with mental health conditions. 


Many years ago, after living what appeared to be the perfect life, I went through a tough divorce - not just for me but for my son too.  I went back to work, and saw I was not spending enough time with him nor was I pursuing my passion.  I decided to apply to grad school for Human Nutrition, and just as I began classes, my mother suffered a cerebral aneurysm.  


During this time, I saw it wasn’t just me hurting.  My mother’s death triggered a major depressive episode in my son which was the straw that broke the years of unspoken trauma he endured from our divorce.


At this point, we enrolled in a wilderness therapy program, followed by therapeutic boarding school after which, my son and our family were on the road to recovery.  


Along our journey, I met many mental health care professionals - from neurologists at the Mayo Clinic to wilderness therapy directors to PhDs of Human Nutrition, and this affirmed my clinical focus: functional nutrition is vitally important when it comes to how we feel.

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My teenage son is the first to say how he eats can be directly linked to his depression.  When he’s engaged with his diet, exercise and sleep, he feels lighter, laughs out loud, and just feels better. 


I decided to share my personal story, because the 5Ds affect so many of our lives. 


Learning to eat intuitively,  nourishing our bodies and brains with food and lifestyle changes, positively impacts how we feel - stronger, happier, more energetic, less blue, less anxious and less tired. 




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